These plates are in the news today. Portion control tableware by a company called Pourtions, are the latest topic in social media regarding body shaming. These set of plates, bowls and wine glasses caused quite a stir when this Twitter post went viral:

Alie Ward saw the plates at a Macy’s and asked the store in a twitt to ban them from the store, to which Macy’s replied they would!
We have seen portion control plates in the past, I even remember certain federal nutritional programs gifting portion control plates, so what is the big deal about these plates?
Here are some of the designs and descriptions I grabbed from Pourtions’ website (which at the moment says they are only selling wholesale)

The “Mom Jeans” dinner plate is the one featured in the post, here it is:

Maybe it is not the portion control side of this tableware, because we all know that obesity is a big problem in our country and portion control is essential in the journey to a healthier body. Perhaps the problem is with the wording, the name suggesting Mom Jeans –> worn by uncool, fat moms? the name definitely hit a nerve with many women in social media. Macy’s has decided to pull all of this line from their stores, realizing they had hit a nerve and possibly a backlash or negative media the store simply cannot afford.
I decided to design my own plate, just in case they make a comeback:

What are your thoughts? Are the plates offensive and Body shaming tools? or are people just overreacting?

Im offended by the price! 😳