Portion Control or Body Shaming?

These plates are in the news today. Portion control tableware by a company called Pourtions, are the latest topic in social media regarding body shaming. These set of plates, bowls and wine glasses caused quite a stir when this Twitter post went viral: Alie Ward saw the plates at a Macy’s and asked the store in a twitt to ban them from the store, to which Macy’s replied they would! We have seen portion control plates in the past, I even remember certain federal nutritional programs gifting portion control plates, so what is the big deal about these plates? Here …

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Choose Those Who Choose You

When we were little making new friends was much easier. Kids by nature are welcoming, curious and willing to talk to other kids simply because they enjoy playing together. As we grow older it becomes harder to organically find new people we can just pick up as strangers and start friendships. There are more issues to consider such as the whos, the whys and the whens. It can be exhausting to feel excluded, ignored or simply just passed on. But the key is to open our hearts and zoom into those individuals who show us they are available and willing …

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